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21 March, 2021 2,568+ lose fat

How to sleep better when nothing helps.

Tried everything to sleep but of no use ? did you meditate, stopped caffine at 11 am and prepared a comfy bed and you are still awake till 3 am? The more you are awake at night , you will find yourself that you Associate your bed with anxiety and sleeplessness, withdraw from daytime activities, and/or obsess about sleeping and develop a belief that you’re doomed to be a “bad sleeper” There are mindset tools and strategies to overcome this:

Discover the 3 stratgies for better sleeping

Strategy #1:

Train your thoughts to believe you can handle less-than-the perfect sleep. it’s often our thoughts that turn one bad night into a pattern of bad nights. When we worry, our body becomes alert and anxious . This state of anxiety interferes with sleep, and—if it continues over time—we may even begin to define ourselves as “ bad sleepers.” Best solutions are not related to medication, supplements, or even some great sleep hygiene. but, it’s addressing the underlying thoughts and emotions.
Reframe your thoughts and check the ALL versus NONE thoughts :
Instead of saying , " I will never sleep well again " , say " I might lose sleep every now and then but other nights will be great "
Instead of saying " I will never be able to workout again " say " may be I will be able to do some exercises and enjoy some joyfull moments today"
This shift in Mindset will help you spot out the positive moments and make less of the stressful thoughts of not sleeping again .

Strategy #2:

Have a consistent sleep-wake schedule. Are you an early bird or night owl? Do you feel energetic and productive at the early morning or late a night ? Having a consistent sleeping schedule, even on weekends, will help you establish a good sleeping cycle. To do this, you can set your alarm to go off 45 minutes before your scheduled bedtime to remind you to start relaxing. You can also use an alarm to wake at a certain time, but some people can naturally wake when they want.

Strategy #3:

Create a safe sleep space. In order to sleep, you need to feel safe and secured. Anything that disturbs that sense of safety can trigger causes anger and anxiety. This includes a conflict with your partner, feeling overloaded or overwhelmed, the sense of anxiety we feel when before sleeping after reading certain news. This state is not a good environment for sleep. Some strategies to feel safe at sleeping : • You can buy soft bed sheets and comfy pillows • Use an improved door locks systems • Use white noise, or wear ear plugs • Declutter your bedroom, to feel more calm • Plan for some joyful actions for the next day to look forward to • Resolve that argument with your partner/friend/father



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